Saturday, 18 April 2015


As I plan on moving to the US I have wondered about friends. I don't have any friends local to me. All of my friends are online. So I would love friends of my own once I get to the US. So today I thought why not hopefully find some online that I could hopefully hangout with when I get there. It would mean a lot to me to at least have a few friends. The first and only person I thought of in the state I plan to move to is on my Facebook friends list. So I messaged her saying that I'd planned to move to her state and I thought we could hang out when I got there but it turns out she's moving to a completely different state at the end of the summer which sucks arse but she then asked why I wanted to move and I told her that I'd met someone so special and I wanted to move to be close to her and she was so pleased for us. It made me so happy.

I'm hoping to continue to look online for friends in that state as online is the best way I can make friends. I've never been very good at making friends ever. So I want to use what I'm good at to find them.

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